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AW Mod Packs

While there will be a forum location for sharing mod packs, as well as areas for collaborating on mods and content submissions, this page will showcase some of the better mods developed by the community that I've had a chance to review. In addition to making it easier for players to find quality mods, mods listed here will be considered canon of the second order; i.e. cannon except where it contradicts official content. (Official content includes submitted content, essentially anything included in the base game.)


There are currently three main mods, you can download them individually or together.

As the mod system for AW is improved, APIs and documentation on how to make them are created, and the final framework areas are finished, there will be more mods. Official mods (Authored by Erolich) contain official content and are tested to ensure they work. Report any bugs with them just like with the main game. Version number for official mods is based on the main AW version with which they were released.

Combined Pack

Version 0.19b



This contains all three mods, the Example mod, the Oppaido mod, and the Bullseye Job mod, in a single download.

Bullseye Job

Version 0.19b



This adds a simple part-time job to the game, working as a cashier at Bullseye. It includes a repeatable event and several daily occurrences. 

Oppaido Mod

Version 0.19



Learn the sacred Japanese martial art Oppaido, as well as Shokushu Kendo, in a new school: the Oppaido Dojo. 

Example Mod

Version 0.19



This is a very simple demonstration mod, that adds a few items to the game, jewelry, clothing, and a home item. - Repaired for new clothing standards!

© 2024 by Arcanist Codeworks & ThaumX


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