Learn about the different builds of the game here. Make sure to download the version appropriate for you in order to get the full benefit of your pledge rewards!
The basic free version of the game.
None of the main content of the game is locked away, but many of the extra features aren't available in this version. Pretty much like free games everywhere. Public builds are delayed by 1.5 months from the most recent development build.
Full Game Play
No Convenience Features
No Bonus Features
No Custom NPC editor
No Unique Premade Characters
No Role-play Challenge Mode
No Cheats or Cheat Mode
No Dev Tools
[Patron] $1 pledge
This build is the same as the backer version below!
The only difference between this version and the backer version is the name, which is for convenience. The [patron] version is released only for major builds (monthly), and is a delayed release.
[backer] $5 pledge
The normal version of the game.
This version of the game has all the normal features of the game, and is released incrementally. Each release of the game has a backer version, and $5 patrons get access to it immediately upon release.
Convenience Features
Bonus Features
Custom NPC editor
Some Premade Characters
Limited Role-play Challenge Mode
No Cheats or Cheat Mode
No Dev Tools
[cheat] $10 Pledge
The cheats-enabled version of the game.
This version of the game has nearly everything unlocked, with access to cheats and cheat mode, as well as the role-play challenge mode. The only thing missing is access to development tools and possibly the occasional experimental item.
Convenience Features
Bonus Features
Custom NPC editor
All Premade Characters
Role-play Challenge Mode
Cheats and Cheat Mode
No Dev Tools
[elite] $20 Pledge
The closest version to what I work with in development.
Pretty much everything is here, including the ability to run your own JavaScript and do other fiddling with the game. The dev tools do require some background knowledge to be able to use them to their full potential.
Convenience Features
Bonus Features
Custom NPC editor
All Unique Premade Characters
Role-play Challenge Mode
Cheats and Cheat Mode
Dev Tools